Sharing and Exporting your Argument Map

You can share your argument maps in many ways - as a URL link or PNG image embedding in a word doc or email:

First, visit any saved map URL and then …

In Chrome:

  1. Right click the map and select copy image or save image as, or
  2. Click the printer icon to export your map to PNG format in a new tab.
  3. Paste it into a word doc or email.

In Firefox:

  1. Right click the map and select view image or save image as, or
  2. Click the printer icon to export your map to PNG format in a new tab.
  3. Paste it into a word doc or email.

In Safari:

  1. Click the printer icon to export your map to PNG format in a new tab.
  2. Right click the map and select save image as or copy image.
  3. Paste it into a word doc or email.

On a Mac:

  1. Click the printer icon to export your map to PNG format in a new tab.
  2. Drag the image in the new tab straight into word or an email.

You can also just copy the URL and send that to someone via email.

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